David Brodbeck wrote:
> Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
>> It actually works quite well on just the Wine version that ships with
>> openSUSE.  IE has worked in Wine for quite awhile.
> I don't know why, but Wine has always fought me at every turn.  I've
> never successfully gotten it to run anything more complicated than Solitare.

Well, as usual, it depends.

For example I used it to run ie6/word/excel/powerpoint/outlook 2000 and
the MS Office viewers successfully, but I see (nearly) no point in doing
this, since Linux offers so much natively.

Imho a worthwhile exception might be the office viewers from MS.

Although they are really rarely used on my machines, they always offer
you the "Officially Microsoft approved way of looking at an Office
document". Rarely used but sometimes _REALLY_ useful.

kind regards

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