Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Saturday 2007-04-14 at 11:35 -0700, Robert Lewis wrote:
> > Is there away to be able to send email to the list, as I am
> > doing now, but only monitor the list activity via the WEB
> > eliminating all the flow from the list to my mail address?
> Yes, there is. You got the instructions when you subscribed:
> | To subscribe to the "nomail" version of this list send a message to:
> |
> |
> | The nomail version of a list means that you are reccognized as a
> | subscriber, but will not get any messages to the list. This is useful
> | when it's necessary to post from several emailaddresses to a
> subscribers
> | only list.
> But notice that the amount of data transferred using the web archive is
> bigger than receiving email.
> Another alternative is subscribe using a webmail, like gmail: you don't
> need pop the email if you don't want't to.
So it appears as though I need to unsubscribe and then resubscribe with
this option?

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