On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 08:18 -0500, Stevens wrote:
> I have compiled a list of the humor-impaired dumbasses who can't 
> seem to let it die. You know who you are. You need to take your panties 
> off, straighten out the wad, put them back on and go about the business of 
> opensuse and stop your incessant whining. 
> Fred

What ?! A dumb-ass list am not part off can you sign me in too please.

Now if you could remove your head from your anal sphincter it would be
appreciated ... thanks in advance. 

What the fsck is that guy even talking about anyway?

"Why can't humans just reboot instead of sleeping, so much wasted cycles" 
-Zombie Coder.
Jonathan Arsenault - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - <http://jarpack.net>

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