If anything this bug should just have been changed to an enhancement -
Major reason functionality was not effected. This would have been a far
more productive exercise.

If I log a serious bug and some one closes it wontfix, and after
considering the impact of a fault in functionality I am happy to
re-open, however I change it back to the QA team for re-assessment.

On the other hand if I get some code cutter that is verging on abuse or
enters into conversation of anything Like "The bug in the functionality,
is noted, however considered not import - why are you worrying me... If
they become emotive in any response I will close the bug as wontfix as I
will not enter into a non-factual emotive discussion.

The concept of quality in creation and testing of new code they produce
myself is in my opinion - extremely poor, non verified and management
obviously takes no interest in how development or Quality measures are
being implemented by suse.de. I do have respect for many guys, but I
know the ones I will close bug as wontfix - comment - author has no
confidence in bug assignee. 

Scott :-)

Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> hi all !
> Why are Novell guys closing perfectly valid bugs as WONTFIX ?
> They should stop being lazy all the day. That is not a feature-request
> but a bug.
> The lazy number one is: marcio ferreira and Stefan Hundhammer
> link:
> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=264716
> What's worse is that they tell me something like: "If you do that
> again I will formally ask a certain account of bugzilla to be
> canceled."
> How am I supposed it eat that as a community-member ?

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