Carlos E. R. wrote:
Heed Mr. Marcus Meissner advice first (in this thread), he knows a lot about these things.

Well, I'm heeding as well as I know how. In this case, his advice was a single sentence:

> If you let it get autodetected and configured by YAST, then it the
> permissions should be set up correctly.

So I replied explaining that I thought that's what I had done, and I went on to describe exactly what I was doing, hoping someone would spot and point out to me whatever boneheaded mistake I had made. Here's my reply:

   Well, I thought I had done that (as indicated above), but perhaps
   what I did and "let it get autodetected and configured by YAST"
   aren't exactly the same things.  I log into the machine as root, run
   yast2, click on Hardware, then Scanners, and I see it run through an
   unattended checklist ending with "Detecting USB and SCSI scanners"
   after which it shows a line with "plustek Canon N1240U/LiDE30 at
   plustek:libusb:007:002".  If I click on Other ... Restart Detection
   I end up with the same display.  If I click Other ... Test I hear
   the hardware make some noises and a bunch of tests are listed and
   all marked as OK.  If I then log into the machine as a normal user
   and run xsane I end up with the "No devices available" message.  Am
   I missing a step in YAST?

Can anyone tell me where the gap is between what I am doing in YaST and what Mr. Meissner is advising me to do? Is there some other package on which all of this relies that everyone's assuming I have (but don't)? For example, earlier in the thread I pointed out the discrepancy between a FAQ document some other poster had directed me to and my configuration: I noted that the FAQ says that SANE "... comes with a hotplug script and related documentation ..." but I can't find any such script or documentation in any of the three packages installed on the machine which have "sane" in the package name.

Perhaps Mr. Meissner will elaborate on his advice. I'm grateful for all of the suggestions offered so far, and I've tried diligently to try everything suggested and report back the results. I haven't given up yet.


Bob Kline

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