On Sun, 2007-06-17 at 10:09 +0100, Philip Kisloff wrote:
> Firstly, thanks everyone for helpng me out here. I know now not to try
> to mount the disk before formatting it. 

> Still having trouble. 

> In yast, I select /dev/evms/sdb and _create_ it then pop ups with a
> window saying "Create a Primary Partition on /dev/sda". I can't get it
> to to say /dev/sdb.

  What you need to do is click on create, in the pop-up widow select sdb
by clicking on it's radio button.

> Ordinarilly I would have used fdisk, as I'm quite comfortable with its
> non-expert mode. 
> fdisk /dev/sdb gives me "Unable to read /dev/sdb".

  This isn't your Father's fdisk  ;), after creating the partition you
will need to set the file system type, 83 is normal for linux.  There
are a few extra steps to the cli method.


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