Hans van der Merwe wrote:
> lware.
> Ok, tell me, seeing that I know nothing, if I can compromise a Linux
> users home dir - why cant I send out spam?
I have never claimed such a thing is impossible, but it is far more
difficult to do with Linux.  In order to send out spam, something has to
execute that can do that.  That means the user has to make something
executable and then execute it.  That barrier is much lower in Windows. 
The bottom line, which you apparently refuse to accept, is that it is
much more difficult for such problems to occur with Linux.  Please note,
I'm not saying impossible, just much more difficult.  Please also
understand that Windows was built as a single user system, without many
of the security methods that are standard in Linux & Unix and you can
add to that some extremely poor software design in MS products, that
turn them into a security sieve.  This means no matter how careful a
user is, Windows will always be far more risky.

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