Carlos E. R. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> The Tuesday 2007-08-07 at 15:59 -0400, Michael Letourneau wrote:
>> As more and more file types get linked to more applications I am not so
>> sure that "executing" something has the same meaning it used to.  Say
>> you
>> download a new screen saver, you never really execute that, but your
>> window manager utilizes the data in it.  Your window manager runs on X,
>> X
> No, screen savers are actually executable programs, not data. You normally
> do not call them directly, but "something" does.

My bad.  But the idea is still pertinent and though they are executable,
how many other desktop artifacts are not?  Skins, backgrounds, and window
decorations come to mind.  Yes its definitely not a straightforward or
likely method at all to be manipulated.

But I think the other person's point was that if "x" is not executable,
then it cannot do any harm, which I think is a naive assumption, plenty of
programs read in data, and if those programs are not properly written that
data can be used to trigger events.  Not the least of which is any program
that has scripting tied into it, whether that be macros or otherwise.

> - --
> Cheers,
>        Carlos E. R.


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