Tero Pesonen wrote:
On Wednesday 08 August 2007, Mike wrote:
On Wednesday 08 August 2007 19:03, Tero Pesonen wrote:
On Wednesday 08 August 2007, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
Kind of like using 2nd Graders to research in nuclear
You mean that the people who would begin using Linux, should it ever
grow popular on desktop, would not behave like that? Have you ever
spoken to a non-geek in your life? Have you watched a non-geek use a
Yep, sure have. Took a disk over to a friends house because he was
complaining about getting all the malware. Installed linux, showed him
where everything was and he was a happy camper. It does everything he
needs the computer for. His wife even likes it better than windows.

It's even more fun to take my laptop to work, and show off a bit. I've
got an entire building of non-geeks. They are amazed at how nice it
looks. So far I've gotten about 5 or 6 to switch at home.

Sounds great.
Seriously, check your attitude. There's a world out there. And that
world is not populated by Linux professionals. And no, these people
are not 2nd graders. They are.. err.. computer users?
No, it isn't. And by working in a school, I know what the second
graders are capable of. Nuclear fission? Naa. Screwing up a computer?
Yep.. Been there done that.

Anyway, Linux desktop is too difficult for them. So fear not, they're
not coming. So no need to experiment/research on them.
Not at all. If someone asks, I'll be glad to show them how it works.

I'd be too. But when the person asks me why they need to run alsaconf as root after each reboot to get sound, I tell them I have no idea, as I need to do it myself too. Or why they need to run k3b as root to burn something. When they ask why this or that peripheral does not work, or how to have it work, I say I do not know. Linux desktop, to me, is already almost too difficult to administer. I'm happy to have my own PC running more or less trouble-free. I cannot provide help to others; I lack the expertise.

I dont think I've ever had to do either as root, certainly not k3b.

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