David C. Rankin J.D. P.E. wrote:
Section "Device"
  BoardName    "RV250 If"
  BusID        "2:0:0"
  Driver       "radeon"
  Identifier   "Device[0]"
  Option       "AGPMode" "4"
  Screen       0
  VendorName   "ATI"

Now I'm not certain that this is your problem, but I have had fits with
10.3 and my ATI Mobility 9700 not being recognized properly. Have you
looked at:


I have looked at the ati howto page, but that relates to getting the ATI fglrx driver working. I've had problems with that in the past with 10.2 and 10.3 and am still trying to get the default "radeon" driver working at this point. Someone posted earlier to try setting AGPMode to 4 using yast as that fixes his problem, but it has not helped me with mine.

Jim F
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