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Carlos E. R. wrote:
> >>> Notwithstanding the fact that Beagle created performance issues
> on your
> >>> system, have you considered converting from MBox to Maildir
> format for
> >>> your mail? This will increase performance both in terms of
> reading mail
> >>> and also probably for Beagle (which probably tried to load your
> entire
> >>> MBox file into memory in order to index your mail). It doesn't
> have to do
> >>> that with Maildir since each mail is a separate file.
> He (Gary) is using Thunderbird, which I believe does not support
> maildir local folders.
That's correct, which I assume is not that rare?
> That's the theory, but I have lots of large mboxes and I never lost one.
I have about 40 boxes in subtrees varying from near nothing to 600Mb
for the largest, but the total is between 2Gigs and 2.5Gigs. I don't
think that sets any records, although I assume that it's probably
above average. If Beagle can't index that with decent performance on
my hardware, then I have to wonder what it's doing out of Beta.
> Right :-)
> -- Cheers,
> Carlos E. R.
I just don't understand why it works so bad on such a good computer
and an average data load.

Gary Baribault

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