On Friday 21 December 2007 16:06:47 Rajko M. wrote:
> On Thursday 20 December 2007 09:15:15 pm Rodney Baker wrote:
> > Notwithstanding the fact that Beagle created performance issues on your
> > system, have you considered converting from MBox to Maildir format for
> > your mail? This will increase performance both in terms of reading mail
> > and also probably for Beagle (which probably tried to load your entire
> > MBox file into memory in order to index your mail). It doesn't have to do
> > that with Maildir since each mail is a separate file.
> Hi Rodney,
> Can you believe that I converted maildirs to mbox just to increase
> performace of KMail. Before I had to wait for hours until my huge Mail
> directory is imported in new installation, seconds to open
> opensuse@opensuse.org folder and using Kmail wasn't joy.
> Now all big folders are mbox format and I have no problems.
> Kmail and Beagle do not load whole mbox into memory. My mbox is 5 GB for
> opensuse@opensuse.org alone, and with 2 GB RAM and 2 GB swap I would have
> system crash every time I open KMail, if it would attempt to read whole
> file in a memory.
> In today systems it is not CPU problem, it is hard disk I/O operation what
> is slow, and also there is big difference in speed between data transfer
> when data are stored in one big file and many small.
> --
> Regards,
> Rajko

OK, I stand corrected. I found the opposite - using mbox it was much slower 
and less reliable, but that could be due to the fact that I was running 
dovecot IMAP locally so that I can access my email from different machines. 
The other advantage to maildirs as opposed to mbox (at least as I see it) is 
that if the mbox file becomes corrupt (for whatever reason), you can lose the 
lot, whereas with maildirs you lose only the affected email(s). 

Anyway, this is getting OT. I guess the lesson is YMMV depending on your 
installation and needs.


Rodney Baker VK5ZTV
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