Jerry Houston pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> Regarding my problems getting scheduled backups (defined using YaST) to run:
> I read another description of scheduling backups in yet another of my
> SuSE Linux books, and came across some very non-obvious requirements in
> the notes there.  I'll point them out here, in case anyone else is in
> the same situation as I.
> For one, there can be no spaces in the name of a backup.  I'm not
> talking about the backup _file_ name, but the name of the backup
> itself.  So apparently 'full system backup' won't work, but
> 'full_system_backup' should be okay.   According to that book, the
> backup tool will accept a backup name with a space in it without
> complaint (as I found out), but the backup won't run.

This is why I try to avoid spaces in file/directory names, it just gums
up the works. Also, always use an explicit path to the executable unless
you also set a path environment before calling the program.

> Also, after scheduling the backup(s), one must restart the computer. 
> Nowhere else did I see any indication of that requirement.

Not needed with recent linux releases. Crontab will automatically
re-read and changes in the crontab without need for a reboot.

> So I've renamed my two backups, rescheduled them, and rebooted the
> system.  Hopefully that will do it. 

Ken Schneider
SuSe since Version 5.2, June 1998
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