Jerry Houston wrote:
> Joe Sloan wrote:
>>> Also, after scheduling the backup(s), one must restart the computer. 
>>> Nowhere else did I see any indication of that requirement.
>> Eh? I doubt that. I can't envision any possible scenario where such an
>> action would require a linux reboot. Perhaps someone cut and pasted from
>> a guide originally written for windows, or some similar silliness?
>> I'd love to see the reference.
> Page 572 of "Beginning SUSE Linux", from Apress.

My first reaction on seeing advice to reboot is to think "what idiot
wrote this" but I will for the time being withhold judgement until I can
find a copy of that and read the context. If my first impression is
correct though, it wouldn't be the first time some well meaning writer
from a microsoft background recommended a completely unnecessary reboot
on a linux system, supposedly to cause some trivial configuration change
take effect.


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