Thanks to all who responded.  I've been through most of this and can't
find the love :)
Dragging files from konqueror to kate implies that I can view both apps,
which usually means resizing two apps just to open a file.  I do this
hundreds of times a day so having it "easy" is important.

Ive found that if you highlight a file, choose from the edit menu  "edit
file type" select kate from the list and press edit button; selet the
appliction tab, and in the command field change kate to "kate --use". 
This will cause the file to be opened in an existing instance of kate. 
Unfortunately I can't get it to open in a "particular" instance, ie the
instance for that virtual desktop, which is what I'd like (I have 6 very
busy desktops, and I'd like an instance of kate for each one).  I could
have kate displayed on all desktops, but then there are 30 files open in
it, many of which have the same names making it hard to find the right file.

I suppose I should create an enhancement request to kde, but that would
take a lot of time and I'm way short of that...

thanks again..

Sunny wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2008 12:45 PM, Wendell Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Kate drives me nuts.  Its a good editor but every time you right click
>> to edit a file in konqueror using kate it starts a new window.  If I use
>> a command window and specify --use it will "reuse" an existing window if
>> one is started for the session I specify.  However because kdeinit
>> starts it I cannot pass a parm through konqueror.
>> So I get 30 kate windows on my desktop when all I want is one.  Ideally
>> I'd like kate to open the file I've chosen in the instance of kate which
>> is already open ON THAT DESKTOP.
>> Has anyone figured this out?
>> Sorry if this is an inappropriate forum... well not all that sorry....
>> wcn
> At this link there is a section "Restore old behavior", check if it
> works for you:
> <>
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