Wendell Nichols wrote:
> Kate drives me nuts.  Its a good editor but every time you right click
> to edit a file in konqueror using kate it starts a new window.  If I use
> a command window and specify --use it will "reuse" an existing window if
> one is started for the session I specify.  However because kdeinit
> starts it I cannot pass a parm through konqueror. 
> So I get 30 kate windows on my desktop when all I want is one.  Ideally
> I'd like kate to open the file I've chosen in the instance of kate which
> is already open ON THAT DESKTOP.
> Has anyone figured this out?
> Sorry if this is an inappropriate forum... well not all that sorry....
> wcn

Forwarded from Anders Lund kate development:

        You can have Kate reuse an instance by adding "-u" (or "--use" to the
command line. For usage from within KDE, for example konqueror, edit the
properties for the Kate application.

        You can read more in the online help (help:/kate) and at Kates website
at www.kate-editor.org

---- Added by me -----

        In kde, just open menu editor, select kate and add --use to the command
line after "kate %U". The command line will read: "kate %U --use"

        Works like a charm!

David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339
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