PerfectReign wrote:
> On Sun, January 13, 2008 10:58 am, Jerry Houston wrote:
>> I use remote desktop connections all the time at work, because we're
>> commercial Windows software developers.  At home, however, I've always
>> used a rather clumsy KVM switch to change from my Linux hardware to my
>> Windows hardware.  One of the disappointments has been that doing so
>> switched the audio output as well, interrupting whatever I was
>> listening
>> to whenever I've needed to work with both machines.
> Whew!  You scared me there for a second.
> In my world, the term "remoting" refers to any variation on OLE or COM
> or COM+ or .NET remote object instantiation.
> Yeah, RDC is a great tool. I've been using it for awhile now...
> I currently have four computers on my desk at work - openSUSE, XP,
> Vista.  I use RDC to get to them all. Not to mention my Win2003
> workstations.
> Enjoy!


on a sidenote. I saw that you have a visio icon on your Linux desktop.

How do you run visio on Linux?

Thanks much a kind regards

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