
El Viernes, 18 de Enero de 2008, Sandy Drobic escribió:
> Carlos Lorenzo Matés wrote:
> > Hi to All.
> >
> > Is possible to use a variable user in the pipe option?
> Yeees... that is possible. Though I don't know if it is exactly what you
> require. "man 8 pipe" will tell you that the pipe deamon expands the
> localpart of the recipient address (the part left of the "@" character in
> the recipient address) for the macro ${user}.
> If that is the information you need, everything works.
> > ie:
> >
> > procmail  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
> >   flags=R user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/procmail -t -m /etc/procmailrc
> > ${sender} ${recipient}
> >
> >
> > in this line change the user=nobody to user=${user}
> I wouldn't touch that.
> If you deliver to a command via mailbox_command (not a pipe) then this
> comes to play:
>         Mailbox delivery can be delegated to an  external  command
>         specified  with  the mailbox_command_maps and mailbox_com-
>         mand configuration parameters. The command  executes  with
>         the  privileges  of  the  recipient user (exceptions: sec-
>         ondary groups are not enabled;  in  case  of  delivery  as
>         root,   the   command  executes  with  the  privileges  of
>         default_privs).
> Would that help you?
> > it is not exactly to change the procmail user, but for changing the user
> > in the emailto fax gateway, the line is similar.
> How does the line look?

Well, the case is exactly this one.

I have a mail to fax gateway, but the fax jobs are sent always with the same 
user (the sendfax). What i want is that the fax job is sent each time with 
the user who really send the mai

Now i have this line in the master.cf

fax       unix  -       n       n       -       1       pipe
   flags= user=fax argv=/usr/bin/faxmail -d -n $(user)

All the faxes seems to be sent by the user fax. I whant that each fax sent 
belongs to the user who really sent the fax.

what i whould change is the user=fax to user=$(user), but i tried this and 


Un saludo.

Carlos Lorenzo Matés.
clmates AT mundo-r DOT com

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