I can't recall any viruses, malware, but then I've probably only put 90
hours into linux altogether, which is why I introduced myself as an
older dummy. What did you mean about being a non-root user. I'm normally
no-root except when I need to be in root. I see that you just came on
board as far as downloaded files. That solution was taken care of a good
deal of time ago this morning with some excellent answers. There were no
"of course not." That phrase should be left out of conversation about
discussing solutions. It sounds like old linux answers by those that
think they may have something over the rest of us. I don't and won't put
up with that crap. I don't need your preaching with your capitalizing
either. In fact, I don't need you disrespect at all, so keep it to
yourself because I surely don't care what you say or what others say to
my response.

On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 10:36 -0500, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> John B Pace wrote:
> > So, it is like it used to be, Carlos? Really no need for antivirus
> > software?
> Non-root users still don't have root abilities, so, no, of
> course not.
> Do downloaded files suddenly make themselves executable,
> without you chmod'ing them?
> The security model hasn't changed since 1970, BECAUSE IT
> Remember, the Unix security model was designed with the presumption
> that ANY user might accidentally do something utterly stupid,
> and so the whole system was designed to protect users from
> each others' stupidity.
>  > Interesting that the windows machines are being protected
> > from themselve.
> What cave have you been hiding in for the last 15 years?
>  > I assume some distros must be weaker than others? Or why
> > would clamav or antivir (Avira GmbH) been created.
> To weed out Microsoft viruses.
> Sheesh, John, name one Linux virus.
> The last outbreak of malware in the *nix community was
> over 20 years ago...and that was due to buffer overruns
> (which have since been corrected) on hardware so obsolete
> that you can't even find in operation any more (VAX-11
> and Motorola 680x0 CPUs)
>  > I'm probably sticking
> > my foot in my mouth or worse my head where the sun doesn't bother
> > shining, but I'm really curious as to clamav and antivir. You don't have
> > to answer this if you don't want, Carlos. I can check it out! Thanks!
> > John
> They're for the purpose of protecting Windows clients
> from malware-infested Windows viruses.

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