2008/1/24 Victor Antonio Chávez de Anda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
 > All right... i don't know of the existence of K3B :D sorry, well,
i'm newbie in OpenSuse, i was working with Ubuntu... and, it's a more
"easy" OS than OpenSuse (and OpenSuse, i feel, is more powerful and
pretty) and, thank you for the "TIP", and, can u tell me how i can
"convert" a normal music CD into a MP3 Files? in winbugs i use
MusicMatch Jukebox... and i don't know what use in OpenSuse, please..
can u tell me??

You need to add Packman's repository in Yast, then install k3b and
k3b-codecs packages from it. The k3b package, which is part of the
standard distribution is limited in that. This will enable k3b to rip
audo CDs.

Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
a pile of scrap.

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