Neil wrote:
On Jan 23, 2008 3:10 PM, Donald D Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is an example of top-posting. In other words, my reply is posted at
the top of this message. Now scroll all the way down to the bottom of
this message to see an example of bottom posting and a longer
explanation of posting models.


This is an example of bottom posting. In other words, my reply is posted
at the bottom of the message. Which to use is a subject that takes on an
almost religious fervor. Proponents of each posting model (see below)
can give dozens of reasons why their model is best. In practice, the
solution to which model is used is set by the owner(s) of the list. The
 owner(s) of this list appear to prefer bottom posting. A couple other
things that can get you yelled at on this list is sending html mail and
hijacking a thread. Hijacking is changing the topic being discussed
without changing the subject line. See the subject line of this reply to
see one way to change it. Okay. As promise here's some more info on the
posting models, probably more than you want to know. Anyway...


Okay I'll try and observe the simpel rule offered there: "be a sheep
and folow the first one" :P (just kiddin, It's a good idea)
If I read correctly I was the first one to reply and therefor set the
rule to toppost, true?
I personally prefer to read top posts. In the unlikely event I forgot
what the original message was about I can always read on. In top
posting you do not have to search where the new part starts. In bottom
posting you have to find where the reply started, and start reading
there. I am so unfocust I usually start reading what I already know,
so bottom posting costs me a lot of time. Top posts however, I can
simply start reading at the beginning and read the msg when I need it.


Top posting is great for business-memo types of communications.
[Although because nobody ever TRIMS anything, each message
just gets bigger and bigger and bigger..which is the first
reason why top-posting is really bad for this list (archiving).
The other reason it's bad is because when trying to discuss
certain details within the thread, the replies are in the
entirely WRONG place to follow the conversation, especially
when several ideas have been suggested, tried, and have all
failed.  In these cases, top-posting makes everything a
complete mess which is next to impossible to sort out.

> like
> > reads
> > > nobody
> > > > And

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