Jonathan Wilson wrote:
> On Friday 25 January 2008 13:55:03 Sloan wrote:
>> Victor Antonio Chávez de Anda wrote:
>>> Oh thank you very much, i'll uninstall the program... and yes, i have an
>>> ATI video card, why?
>> ATI cards have a problematic history with linux. That should be changing
>> soon, since official, open source 3D drivers are on the way, but for
>> now, ATI cards are more trouble than I'd want to deal with.
> I use ATI cards all the time and they are excellent - I'm using a dual hed 
> ATI 
> card right now and formerly had two dualhead cards on here for a 3-monitor 
> config. I have no trouble with them. In fact I buy ATI whenever I can, having 
> had less actual trouble with ATI than I have with nVidia.
I'm glad to hear that you've not had trouble with ATI, but I've had
exactly the opposite experience - and I've done an awful lot of
consulting, and a lot of free linux work for friends and relatives, so
I've seen and worked with a good variety of hardware.
> All the proprietary drives are troublesome to some extent, but I know of no 
> reason to say that ATI is worse than any of the others.
I do.

Nvidia linux drivers are always kept up to date, tracking kernel changes
within a day or so of kernel releases, are full featured and performance
is on par with ms windows.

ATI drivers lag kernel and X11 releases by months, are lacking features
compared to the windows versions, and performance is bad compared to the
windows versions.

But it will all be a moot point soon, when the official OSS ATI drivers
are in the mainline kernel. At that point I might well agree that ATI is
the way to go, but for now, I try to avoid the hassle.


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