> Jonathan is bashing on me off-line. Has anyone read
> the Velocity thread 
> and found my characterization of it as "disgusting"
> to be way out of 
> line and bordering on harassment of Jonathan?

I think I'm slightly paranoid. It's already second
list I'm subscribed, where Jonathan appears out of the
sudden and starts flamewar. Which go notthing to do
with original post. Usually this flamewar continues
forever, even without Jonathan. 

Would it be possible to just stop this flame, on the
spot, without any comments?


Konstantin Priblouda ( ko5tik )    Freelance Software developer
< http://www.pribluda.de > < play java games -> http://www.yook.de >
< render charts online -> http://www.pribluda.de/povray/ >

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