Pasi Kärkkäinen ha scritto:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 05:33:31PM +0300, Samuli Seppänen wrote:
>> Heiko Hund ha scritto:
>>> On Wednesday 14 April 2010 14:10:55 Samuli Seppänen wrote:
>>>> As promised, here's the Finnish translation for OpenVPN GUI
>>>> ( I cannot test it myself
>>>> as I don't have any Windows computers available. There might be
>>>> technical problems with it, as I had to use some Bash trickery on it.
>>>> Let me know of any problems you encounter and I'll fix them.
>>> Thank you very much Samuli. I've integrated your translation and uploaded a 
>>> snapshot binary of git master to Sourceforge [1]. There's a screenshot 
>>> showing 
>>> some of your work at the project site, now [2]. Technical problems with the 
>>> .rc file were sparse and are fixed already. I apologize for the format. I 
>>> figure that translators have to go through this hell just once as I plan to 
>>> dispatch translation update requests by mail manually. There won't be that 
>>> much of them anyways I hope.
>>> Thanks again 
>>> Heiko
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>> Glad I could help! Please forward any translation bug reports/reporters
>> to me and I'll take care of them.
> Hello,
> Does this snapshot fix any problems/bugs? 
> I'm often seeing problems with the gui icon on Windows 7 (64bit)..
> sometimes (usually after suspend+resume of the laptop) the gui icon 
> stops responding, and I cannot stop the openvpn connection anymore..
> (openvpn connection still works, just the gui icon stops responding).
> If I kill the openvpn-gui, and then re-start it, it seems to lose
> the state.. ie. it doesn't know the connection is already on..
> -- Pasi
Pasi: is this related to the Finnish translation? Can you try it
openvpn-gui in English?

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

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