Hello Again,

Now the openvpn-build supports creating nsis installation package, including
singing. Output package is at[1].

Notice that all process is done on Linux, Windows is not need to
create the package!

The process:
1. Create binaries using openvpn-build/generic.
2. Create tarball for easyrsa from master (temporary) files should be
at easy-rsa-2.0.
3. Create the installer using openvpn-build/windows-nsis.

I did not add the UI stuff, I think there should be a discussion why
these are embedded.



On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 2:45 AM, Alon Bar-Lev <alon.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I've reached 2nd milestone in rewrite the build system.
> So far:
> 1. autotools cleaned up >=autoconf-2.59, >=automake-1.9, >=libtool-1.5
> (not for cross compile)
> 2. build working for gcc/mingw.
> 3. build is working for MSVC using msbuild.
> 4. build script for cross compilers.
> 5. build script for MSVC.
> 6. perper directory structure.
> 7. compat library is standalone library.
> 8. most of platform specific [simple] wrapper renamed to platform_
> prefix and moved to platform module.
> 9. more cleanups of conditional compilations.
> This point is far enough from master to stop and test.
> I believe that after testing we can merge this.
> It is important to test and merge ASAP as it will be difficult to
> rebase new patches pushed to master.
> As usual git repository is available[1] and tarball is also available[2].
> Next milestone will be to split up syshead.h, move all conditionals to
> autoconf and reduce headers. This will also create a lot of noise.
> Alon.
> [1] https://github.com/alonbl/openvpn
> [2] https://github.com/alonbl/openvpn/downloads

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