On 16/08/2023 15:05, Jason Long via Openvpn-users wrote:
On 16.08.23 12:23, Jason Long via Openvpn-users wrote:
On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 06:35:01AM +0000, Jason Long wrote:

I used 
 tutorial to create my OpenVPN server.

*sigh* Never use a random blog post on "how to do XYZ" when the project itself has its own set of documentation. No matter which project it is.

I've read enough of those random "OpenVPN how-tos" over the last 15+ years and the vast majority of them are not up-to-date, tricks you into using insecure settings, being overly complicated or simply leads you to misery.

Doing networking isn't really suitable as a "click-this-type-that" type of how-to, because you *really* need to understand how these things works and impacts your configuration and setup.

This guides you through the most important steps and should be reasonably up-to-date (I spot a few things which could be improved, but shouldn't stop you from getting a functional tun based OpenVPN tunnel running). This documentation is provided by the official OpenVPN project and this project is responsible for keeping the documentation in reasonable shape.


Read this, read the man page entries for options used and try to understand it. Read the pointers to the related documentation in that wiki page. Try to understand all the information provided there. Then you can ask questions and get sensible replies back.

If you need more documentation, buy your own copy of the OpenVPN Cookbook by Jan Just Keijser. He is a well-trusted OpenVPN community member and knows this stuff very well.


> Gert tole me about the multihome statement and I added it.

When Gert tells you to look at multihome, he has very good reasons for doing that (I know him too, he is also really trustworthy - in particular with networking and OpenVPN). But it ALSO means you should read the documentation for suggested options too.


# cat /var/log/openvpn/virt1.log
2023-08-16 06:23:18 WARNING: --topology net30 support for server configs with 
IPv4 pools will be removed in a future release. Please migrate to --topology 
subnet as soon as possible.
2023-08-16 06:23:18 DEPRECATED OPTION: --cipher set to 'AES-256-CBC' but 
missing in --data-ciphers (AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM:CHACHA20-POLY1305). OpenVPN 
ignores --cipher for cipher negotiations.

Those two lines tells you something important. You should fix this. I'm not going to tell you how; read the documentation. It is fully explained in the man page.


2023-08-16 06:23:18 Listening for incoming TCP connection on 
2023-08-16 06:23:18 TCPv4_SERVER link local (bound): [AF_INET][undef]:2000
2023-08-16 06:23:18 TCPv4_SERVER link remote: [AF_UNSPEC]

I suspect this if from a server configuration (also an important detail to tell). And it tells you your VPN server is listening TCP port 2000.

2023-08-16 06:23:18 Initialization Sequence Completed
This line means that the OpenVPN tunnel is up an running. So that means this tunnel instance is ready to see clients connecting to it.

And finally. Learn yourself some mailing list netiquette. Inline replies and replies at the bottom are very fine. But keep the indenting marks (>) on the original text so it's easier to understand who is writing what and what you are responding to.

A reasonably good summary of most common mailing list netiquette rules used in open source (and this is the official recommendation from an open source project; not a random blog post)


kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Inc

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