> On 18.08.23 21:22, Jason Long wrote:
> 1- In the round-robin mechanism, we can use the same keys for our
>    servers, but each client uses its own key.

>You *can* do that, yes.

>Since you apparently don't provide clients with a CRL or any other means 
>to have server certs revoked, I guess it doesn't worsen your reaction 
>time / options after a leaked server cert any *further*, anyway ...

> 2- So, the name that I entered in the "Common Name (eg: your user,
>    host, or server name) [Easy-RSA CA]:" question, must be used in
>    the "./easyrsa gen-req NAME nopass" and "./easyrsa sign-req server
>    NAME" commands. Right?

>NO. Reread what I wrote about the (hint: different) roles the certs 
>generated by these two sets of commands have.

>Kind regards,
>Jochen Bern

>Binect GmbH

I have another questions:

1- I checked the "Subject" of the ca.crt file and my CN name is "Server". Now, 
I must change the "ccd" directory to "Server", but how about the file name 
under the "Server" directory?

2- Suppose you want to configure a server. Can you show me the names you enter 
for the commands below? 

# ./easyrsa build-ca nopass
Common Name (eg: your user, host, or server name) [Easy-RSA CA]: "Your_Name"

# ./easyrsa gen-req "Your_Name" nopass 

# ./easyrsa sign-req server "Your_Name"

# ./easyrsa gen-req "Your_Name" nopass

# ./easyrsa sign-req client "Your_Name"

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