On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 7:51 PM, Jochen Bern
<jochen.b...@binect.de> wrote:   On 18.08.23 16:31, Jason Long wrote:
> 1- So, if we have multiple servers, then it is >better that the servers
>    have the same key, but each client has its >own key. Am I right?


>I said that *if* you want your clients to be able  >to replace one server 
>with another dynamically, it may be a valid >reason to have the *CN* in 
>their server certs have *similarities* to each >other (for 
>"verify-x509-name ... name-prefix"), or be >outright the same (other 
>types of "verify-x509-name" checks).

>(Identical DNs/CNs technically still do not >imply that the servers use 
>the same keypair. And using the same keypair >technically still does not 
>imply that the servers use the same cert. >Though we're going into the 
>area of somewhat questionable setups there.)

> 2- I can filter clients by MAC address

>No, you can't. If the VPN server can see the >clients' MACs (*before* a 
>VPN has been established *and* does >*bridging*), there's no need to run 
>a VPN between them in the first place.

> 3- Can you introduce a tool to easily generate >keys?

>You're already using EasyRSA, that's about as >easy¹ as it gets. Not that 
>the act of generating a keypair looks that much >different between 
>EasyRSA, plain OpenSSL, or more sophisticated >PKI tools ...

>¹ "Easy" as in "easy to understand and use >manually". Automation and 
>integration may yield something that's easier >*to use and maintain 
>long-term*, but since you're apparently unclear >on what other systems 
>you're going to integrate it *with* (see next >question), we can't 
>comment on that.

> 4- You said " You need a PKI solution that  >doesn't just chuck new certs
>    onto a local disk, but can feed it into >whatever mechanism you use
>    to keep the clients updated.", which >mechanism?

>The mechanism that *you* are going to define >(and, probably, build) that 
>allows you to admin the clients you designed, >and keeps the entire 
>system from coming crashing down as soon >as the first certificates' 
>validity period ends.

>For example: a) Our staff is usually able to >install a new client cert 
>for their laptop's VPN connection to the >company LAN themselves, so all 
>we need *there* is an e-mailed reminder to IT >that user XY will need a 
>new cert in a couple weeks; but b) the firmware >of the appliances we 
>send to customers asks our servers "do I need >to update something?" 
>every morning, and if a VPN cert is running out, >the servers i) verify 
>that the customer's contract is still ongoing, ii) >generate a new cert, 
>and iii) inject it into a more general small->updates-offering mechanism 
>that handles *all* config changes we hand to >those appliances.

> 5- When I use "./easyrsa build-ca nopass", then >it asks me "Common Name
>    (eg: your user, host, or server name) [Easy->RSA CA]:", and as you said,
>    better not to use "server" as name. For >example, I entered "Jason_Server"

>... which should better read "Jason's CA" (yes, >blanks are OK there), as 
>it still hasn't anything to do with any servers ...

>    then I must use "Jason_Server" in the >"./easyrsa gen-req Jason_Server
>    nopass" and "./easyrsa sign-req server >Jason_Server" commands. Right?

>Now *those* commands actually *are* part of >generating the *server* 
>certificate, so having them say "server" makes >sense, unlike in creating 
>the CA cert above. (I would still prefer server >certs to have an FQDN 
>for a CN, though. Old habits die hard ...)

> 6- Is this true for client too?


>(With the difference that VPN clients usually >aren't expected to *have* 
>a long-term-stable FQDN, so I would suggest >naming the certs by user 
>and/or device, like "Jason Long's private cell >phone".)

>Kind regards,
>Jochen Bern

>Binect GmbH

Hi Jochen,Thanks again.
1- In the round-robin mechanism, we can use the same keys for our servers, but 
each client uses its own key.
2- So, the name that I entered in the "Common Name (eg: your user, host, or 
server name) [Easy-RSA CA]:" question, must be used in the "./easyrsa gen-req 
NAME nopass" and "./easyrsa sign-req server NAME" commands. Right?
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