On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:44 PM, James Carman
<jcar...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Matthias Wessendorf <mat...@apache.org> 
> wrote:
>> you can join as an individual. To represent the ASF on an EG, you really
>> need to be a committer, at an ASF project
> I *was* on the HiveMind PMC.  I served as the chair until it met its
> demise just recently.  I'm also a member of the Apache Commons PMC.

oh, cool. I did not know that :-)

>> Is there already some working tutorial or so for Wicket/Tapestry AND
>> OWB ?
> There's something out there that shows how to use Seam with Wicket,
> but nothing (that I know of) for OWB (or JSR-299 in general).  I'm
> working on a library for JSR-299 support in Wicket right now using,
> but this whole lack of support for conversations in a non-JSF
> environment is really stalling me.

I saw on the blog of the Resin folks that they have their 299 IMPL
working smoothly together. But, sure, that is "only" a hello world.

> As for Tapestry, I left that community long ago.  I'm not exactly sure
> what those folks are up to.  I merely mentioned it, since it's another
> web framework that I know could (or rather should) be interested in
> JSR-299.  Although, since they have their own IoC framework (TapIoCa
> :), they may not.  Who knows? :)

Oh, again a new IoC ? Weren't they using HiveMind ?



Matthias Wessendorf

blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf

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