
On Wednesday 17 June 2009 20:06:29 Gregers Petersen wrote:
> After long and hard gestation the new OpenWrt community wiki is now
> ready and open for action :-)

Thanks for the work on the shiny new wiki :)

> The OpenWrt developer team is looking for a few individuals who would be
> willing to help with moderation of the new wiki content and structure.
> Individuals interested in this should contact me ;-)

For now, just my old bugging to keep the old links working.  My suggestion:  
Put the attached PHP script on oldwiki.openwrt.org and add a config line like
  rewrite ^/([A-Z].*)$ /oldwiki.php$1

Then add something along the lines of
  rewrite ^/([A-Z].*)$ http://oldwiki.openwrt.org$1 permanent
into the config of nuwiki.openwrt.org.  Then maybe rename nuwiki.openwrt.org 
to wiki.openwrt.org, just don't forget to update the $SERVER var in the PHP 
script :)

This *should* work (the script I tested, the rewrites not).

Of course instead of mod_rewrite you could also use mod_fastcgi.



<<attachment: oldwiki.php>>

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