On 18.06.2009 23:03, David A. Bandel wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Matthias Buecher / Germany
> <m...@maddes.net> wrote:
>> Hi Kloschi,
>> doesn't work for me:
>> #1
>> http://wiki.openwrt.org/DropbearPublicKeyAuthenticationHowto
>> should result in
>> http://oldwiki.openwrt.org/DropbearPublicKeyAuthenticationHowto.html
>> so ".html" is missing
>> #2
>> slashes have to be converted to (2f)
>> Maddes
> Folks,
> Been following this link, and for kicks read the above
> DropbearPublicKeyAuth... doc.  Didn't see an author link, and would
> like to correct the section "Disable password login".  Best not to
> change the startup script, but change the /etc/config/dropbear "option
> PasswordAuth 'on'" from on to off and restart dropbear.
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel

It's correct for White Russian (still used by a lot of people, e.g. me)
and maybe Kamikaze 7.
For Kamikaze 8 you are right.

Maybe there should be a guideline or document structure to support
multiple versions of OpenWrt in the Wiki.
Example: explain for current stable version, then explain differences
for old versions, at last for unstable versions.

Just my two cents

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