On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 3:22 AM, Jan Nikitenko <jan.nikite...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hopefully this description helps someone.
> Concerning the nvram init script of backfire openwrt - I do not understand,
> why the 0x0009 value is ORed there - if it was just set, the router would
> still boot even though full 128MB ram would not be enabled.
> In my opinion, fw should not change such critical settings - if someone
> likes to enable more ram than it was from factory, he should do it manually
> knowing that the ram is there.
> Best regards,
> Jan

The purpose of the nvram init script is to reset important variables
in-case previous firmwares crapped them up. It is something that has
been done since the first wrt54{g,gs} and is well documented.

I have my router over-clocked, so I have always kept a copy of
/etc/init.d/nvram inside my ~/trunk/files/ when preparing images as
too keep my settings. Openwrt is made for the lowest common
denominator, and since we have hacked on our routers we need to make
the appropriate modifications to Openwrt to allow them to stick.
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