On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Stefan Monnier
<monn...@iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
>> The purpose of the nvram init script is to reset important variables
>> in-case previous firmwares crapped them up. It is something that has
>> been done since the first wrt54{g,gs} and is well documented.
> OTOH it's not clear *why* it has been done all this time.
> You say "reset important variables in-case previous firmwares crapped
> them up", but what are those firmwares?
> Also, this presumes we know better, which it seems we don't (as
> evidenced by this thread).

The init script mostly reset the cpu clock and the sdram configs. Some
idiots over clocked there routers are caused problems, linksys also
bumped the clock to 216 in one update to cover up a instability. SDRAM
settings have to do with early version of DD-WRT and I think one
specific version of the linksys firmware. Asus may have also had a bad
version. (nbd made the first nvramcleaner.sh, you can ask him or look
into the WR section of the forum)

You were not here back when this was first conceived and thus you
don't know, it's clear we need better documentation.
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