On Sun, 10 Mar 2013 20:03:29 +0200
Daniel Golle <daniel.go...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 03/10/2013 07:52 PM, Bastian Bittorf wrote:
> > * Daniel Golle <daniel.go...@gmail.com> [10.03.2013 18:00]:
> >> The default settings of the binaries on downloads.openwrt.org do
> >> *not* allow me to do that. And that's what I'm talking about.
> > 
> > thats not true. OpenWrt defaults to regdomain US (hardcoded in the
> > builts, because the regdomain is choosen during compiletime). so
> NACK. no such a thing as a "hardcoded" country code. initial
> regdomain is hinted from the value found in the EEPROM (and that may
> be 'US' for some hardware, despite the fact that it is sold outside
> of FCC-land). Many hardware vendors (e.g. wifi modules in laptops)
> even go as far as restricting their users to the *intersection* of
> all regdomains, i.e. you can't break the law *anywhere*.
> Using OpenWrt with the mac80211 stack (as it is the case when using
> the ath9k driver) means it works like this
> http://linuxwireless.org/en/developers/Regulatory/CRDA#Changing_regulatory_domains
> maybe someone else can confirm this?

Actually, the default in the code is to use the EEPROM values if
present, but if the EEPROM doesn't set a country code or
is a particular value then it uses the default country code (US)
embedded at compile time (the US default when there is not hardware
country code may be specified by atheros in their datasheets, I'm not
sure on that though). A lot of manufacturers have taken to using a
default country code, and setting regulatory domain in firmware though
because it gives more flexibility with their inventory (i.e. only have
to change regular firmware not radio EEPROM value, if they want to ship
to another country the hardware is certified for and has calibration
data for).

If the hardware vendor embeds the country code in the radio then ath9k
will honour that, unless you hack on the ath/ath9k driver.
> > people from e.g. country TN can use freq 5835 at 30 db which is 
> > completely forbidden there.
> as mentioned above, this would only be possible if your wifi card or
> in-flash EEPROM data initially permits the use of that frequency
> band. m'key?

Actually you can hack ath9k, it's just not supported by anyone, and
the developer's probably won'tsupport it in the case of ath9k because
atheros has been very helpful and going against their atheros' to make
sure the appropriate regulations for each country's regulatory body is
met (not just US; US is just the default if there is no EEPROM code
specifying country in the hardware) would make developing for ath9k
much harder because they would stop supporting OpenWrt efforts,
including providing datasheets and providing support to their clients
who want to use openwrt.

This isn't a matter of obeying the FCC and screw the rest of the world,
it's trying to make sure that the appropriate regulations for the
hardware's country are met.  Unfortunately, as I have said a lot of
device makers have taken to not including the country code, so the
default country code gets used (and the default happens to be US).

> >> The danger is simply that people will flash OpenWrt and without
> >> even knowing start using frequency bands or TX-power-levels which
> >> they are not allowed to operate in their country.
> > 
> > it's the same like block the word "f*ck" in the wordprocessor,
> > because the government forbids it? ok, dont get me wrong, i overact
> > a littly bit, but the hole thing upset's me...
> sorry, but this is really a different case.

I concur, this isn't about what you say or write in private, for
instance.  EM interference is a public safety and communications issue
(interfering with emergency frequencies or vital control systems is
obviously bad, and even if it was just television signal, interfering
with everyone else's television because *you* want better wifi is
selfish at best; and messing with cell phones because you want wifi
won't make you friends).

Telecommunications regulations exist because otherwise it'd be like
having a major metropolitan city with no road markings anywhere, and no
signs, and no rules (image the walking zoo of major entertainment
complex after an event, only with cars).  It'd be a disaster.


<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, 
it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it

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