On 2013-10-11 13:08,  Markus Blatt wrote:
>> To make matters even worse, the static LAPACK libraries seems to be 
>> broken from upstream (for which there is a proposed fix from a certain 
>> Markus Blatt :-)), which has made a good excuse for Kitware not to fix 

> Mmh supporting Kitware's laziness was not my intention when proposing a fix.

No no, that was not what I intended to imply; sorry if it came out that way! 

My point was rather that once your fix (for LAPACK) is applied upstream, 
Kitware has no longer any excuse for not attacking the bug in CMake. 
Unfortunately it'll take some time for all this to propagate downstream though, 
so statically linking LAPACK will not be easy for quite a while.

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