Alex: this looks like a good plan and seems to take care of all functest 
requirements wrt build.

What we need to nail down next is the versioning and how it plays out with 
Functest CI, Functest XCI and lastly to the release.

It is critical to nail down the versioning and branching model first before 
rushing to modify the releng tools/scripts. The current versioning and 
branching model is insufficient (as a proof see what functest is doing to 
overcome the limitations). We need direction and the XCI project is the right 
place to determine the overall versioning model for all OPNFV projects.

Cedric: your wiki on releng requirements is a good start. It will be great if 
it could also have the following information:

  *   Functest CI: what is gating every functest commit? (this is normally the 
script that gates every gerrit commit on functest master)
  *   Functest XCI: how is a new version of Functest gated for XCI use
  *   Functest release: how is the right version of Functest picked for release 
(I think I know how this works based on emails with you/Morgan, but it is good 
to put this down)

If we look at the git tags and the container tags:
From a quick look at the git repo, Functest currently only uses the release git 
tags as imposed by the release (the “danube.1.0.0” and now “opnfv-5.0.0”). So 
we can say that functest does not have any project specific versioning per se.
However it is unclear if the container images built off these git tags are 
really used because Morgan indicated that functestI almost always recommends 
the use the following container tags:

  *   “latest” which is built from tip of master
  *   “euphrates” which is always built off the tip of the functest 
stable/euphrates branch
  *   “stable” which seems to be same as “euphrates
Now one would question then what is the real need to have an official release 
tagged image then?
I understand this is done because functest cannot run at the same pace as the 
release (too slow) and needs additional builds after the release date. Normally 
this should be done using patch versions: “opnfv-5.0.1”, etc… so using 
“euphrates” is a bit of a shortcut. The main issue with “euphrates” is the same 
as “latest” or “stable”: you cannot know for sure which commit was used to 
build the container (since there will be multiple images with same tag built 
off different commits).
Now that might not be an issue for the functest team if they do not need a 
precise tracking of every image used by folks around the world. But it can be a 
problem for XCI and can cause troubles (e.g. does a given container image 
“stable” used by customer X have bug fix Y?).

The functest case is a bit more complex than the normal project case because 
functest is actually a set of interdependent containers built off multiple 
project repos: functest, barometer, sfc, promise… This results in the following 
artifacts (that is the complete list I got from dockerhub):

  *   functest-core
  *   functest-smoke
  *   functest-vnf
  *   functest-healthcheck
  *   functest-features
  *   functest-parser
  *   functest-components
  *   functest-restapi
I am still missing the link between all these artifacts and the dependent 
project repos, for example where is the barometer code running (there is no 
functest-barometer)? Is it in functest-core? It would be helpful to document 
the exact dependency of every artifact.
From what I see, external projects included in functest dockerifles are 
included properly (i.e. the code is pulled in the build using an explicit git 
hash or a version git tag) but OPNFV projects only use tip of branch (tip of 
master or top of stable branch). Example fir the functest-smoke dockerfile:

ARG FDS_TAG=master

    git clone --depth 1 -b $FDS_TAG 
/src/fds && \

This is generally not recommended given the tip of master is not always what 
the fds team would want functest to use for smoke test (and the fds team has no 
idea on when functest-smoke is built). Note this is not the fault of functest, 
the reason is that fds does not version its code on master – and given that 
very few projects version their code at all, the problem is widespread.

We also need to review the versioning of all these artifacts, all contributing 
OPNFV projects, how they are deployed … And you start to see why tagging all 
these images with “stable” can become hard to handle e.g. what version of 
functest-core:stable (or which commit on the stable branch) was used to build a 
given version of functest-parser:stable).

I think once we have a better understanding of the above questions 
(CI/XCI/release) we can come up with a versioning and branching model that 
satisfies the functest need for generating more frequently artifacts and 
satisfies the need for XCI and release (to track precisely versions of 
artifacts to use).

And to answer to Cedric’s question on how do other projects like openstack do, 
it is pretty simple, they all version their project code (i.e they put git tags 
to mark versions using semver syntax) and their version is independent of the 
release version ;-) That is the fundamental and necessary condition to do 
proper versioning.



From: <> on behalf of Alexandru 
Avadanii <>
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 8:30 AM
To: Cedric OLLIVIER <>, Fatih Degirmenci 
Cc: "" <>, 
opnfv-tech-discuss <>, Delia Popescu 
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [functest] Alpine for arch

I confirm that the current releng scripts don't support current functest 
requirements, but that is within our reach.
Afaik, we are looking at 2 main issues:
1. functest-core needs to be built first - we can solve this by using 
multijobs, with an initial step of building functest-core (amd64 & arm64 in 
parallel), then all other builds in parallel;
2. functest Docker requires support for ARG in FROM - we can solve this by 
upgrading Docker to a newer version on all amd64 builders (arm64 already has a 
new enough version);

We (armband) offered to take care of #1. Delia can implement the JJB changes 
next week, we estimate it will take 2-3 days.
For #2, we need lab admins with access to the amd64 builder machines to do a 
simple package upgrade.
As part of #2, we might need to install a new package (Docker manifest-tool) 

Imo, we can adapt releng scripts without too much trouble, and we (Armband) are 
willing to take care of the scripts, if you all agree.

As for parallel building (not only amd64 and arm64, but all other containers 
aside from functest-core) - this will be solved by the design we proposed in #1.
There is no need for qemu-user-static and binfmt-misc in OPNFV, as we provide 
an arm64 native builder (arm-build4). This was required for Travis CI, since 
they don't have native arm64 builders.


-----Original Message-----
 [mailto:opnfv-tech-discuss-<>] On Behalf Of Cedric 
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 2:22 PM
To: Fatih Degirmenci
Cc:<>; Delia 
Popescu; opnfv-tech-discuss
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [functest] Alpine for arch
Hello Fatih,
My previous mail aims at listing our requirements and again I am convinced
that we should select releng instead of external tools for a better control.
The travis-ci links illustrate exactly our needs and could help synchronizing
Functest and Releng.
Here are the related config files:
I had to setup external tools to beta test and share my Alpine containers during
the development cycle.
The issue was induced by the fact they were copied for OPNFV repositories (I
precise during my holidays) instead of updating Releng.
I have only fixed the Docker automated builds and complete them to build the
remaining containers.
I could have forced the sync even if I'm not in charge of that as Functest core
But I strongly think it's fine to compare travis-ci and today's releng jjobs 
to impove our CI/CD.
Regarding tags, I fully agree that we have taken several quick decisions without
analysing what OpenStack, Docker or GNU/Linux distributions do.
Bottom up feedbacks may have helped.
2017-10-14 12:42 GMT+02:00 Fatih Degirmenci 
> Hi Cedric,
> I see lots of conversations around how to build stuff, test them, apply tags 
> but
it is very hard to follow things. Things are going too fast and with little
explanation. Each and every new thing coming up will make it harder for us to
understand what you need.
> Also the builds first pushed to docker hub then travis ci now. I am not sure
about this either. I suppose you will try all the external ci services instead 
telling us what you need clearly...
> So, before I say if something is possible or not, you need to come up with
clear requirements. We can then fix whatever you need together with you.
> /Fatih
> On 14 Oct 2017, at 12:32, Cedric OLLIVIER 
> <<>>
> Hello,
> We simply require concurrent jobs properties which can be simplified
> here as parallel builds, concurrency control and dependency.
> They are mainly required as:
>  - functest-core must be built before other Functest containers
>  - other containers should be built in parallel as soon as
> functest-core is published
>  - amd64 containers and arm64 containers should be built in parallel
> I am not directly involved in Releng and I have read in reviews or
> mails that today's jjobs don't support that.
> All proposals to build Alpine containers haven't conformed with the
> concurrency control and the dependencies.
> @Fatih could you please confirm that? I'm quite sure that Jenkins supports
> In case of cross building arm64 images on amd64 PODs, we also require
> several operations on PODs:
>  - to install qemu-user-static
>  - to support binfmt-misc [1]
> The current Docker Automated builds had been fine before we were asked
> to build Alpine arm64 images and to publish stable tags:
> - arm64 images can't be built via this CI tool as it requires
> qemu-user-static and binfmt_misc [1] support on Docker hosts.
> - publishing stable tags triggers useless builds simply because they
> are already triggered by euphrates tags.
> I'm currently beta testing travis-ci to meet all requirements:
> -
> (stable/euphrates)
> - (master)
> It works very well and all scripts are ran in parallel for all steps:
> - build functest-core images
> - publish functest-core manifests
> - build all functest images
> - publish all manifests
> I am considering we do switch from Docker Automated builds to
> travis-ci for official Functest images if releng jjobs are not
> updated.
> But I think it's too late regarding the deadline for E as we should
> multiply CI runs. @David, do you agree?
> (Of course I am not allowed to configure travis-ci for OPNFV github
> repositories).
> I will deeply update the wiki page "Docker Requirements on Releng" [2]
> [1]
> [2]
> Cédric
> 2017-10-11 9:56 GMT+02:00 Jose Lausuch 
> <<>>:
>> Maybe late for 5.0, but not late for Euphrates 5.1.
>> Can we collect a list the requirements we need from Releng in this wiki [1]?
>> It will facilitate the support and I will help to speed it up.
>> Otherwise, nothing will happen as people don’t know what we need.
>> [1]
>> On 11 Oct 2017, at 09:42, Cristina Pauna 
>> <<>>
>> Hi Cedric,
>> Which E are you refering to in this email? The one with deadline on
>> 15th December?
>> Cristina
>> From:<> 
>> []
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:24 AM
>> <<>>;
>><>; Delia Popescu 
>> <<>>; Alexandru
>> Avadanii <<>>; 
>> Cristina Pauna
>> <<>>; 
>> Cc: opnfv-tech-discuss 
>> <<>>
>> Subject: Re: [functest] Alpine for arch
>> Hello,
>> I quickly tested to build aarch64 Functest images via Docker
>> automated builds what is impossible (several prerequisites are
>> unmet). I precise the first published images were built locally.
>> I'm thinking about an alternative way which will be too much
>> disruptive for E release. Again it will be suitable for my own
>> repositories. But releng should have been the target to build all
>> Docker images (I bet it won't be ready for E). Today's releng can't meet
functest prerequisites about Docker.
>> I will inform as soon as my own repositories are ready.
>> Cédric
>> ---- Cristina Pauna a écrit ----
>> Hi,
>> There has been a lot of confusion and changes around this topic and I
>> want to clear things up going forward, so we do not waste any of our time.
>> What I understand from all the disparate discussions around this topic is:
>> 1.       We will not do alpine for E0 release on arm, we are targeting E1/E2
>> 2.       For the Functest-core image we will have 1 Dockerfile for x86, and
>> a patch for arm that overrides this Dockerfile; from this file we
>> will create one Functest-core image and thearchitecture will be
>> mentioned in its tag
>> 3.       The subsequent images (Functest-healthcheck, Functest-smoke, etc)
>> will be based on the previously built Functest-core image. We will do
>> a manifest to choose the correct Functest-core image based on its
>> tag. These dependent  images will also have its arch in the tag.
>> 4.       The problem we are facing now is how to make sure that for 1 build,
>> the Functest-core image always get built before the other ones. For
>> x86 that is now done with a workaround directly in dockerhub. The
>> target is to do it with Jenkins jobs builders, considering image 
>> dependencies.
>> Is this the approach we are all agreeing on?
>> Thanks,
>> Cristina
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