are you referring to the notes you sent back in may 2014?

if not - please resend so we know what you are referring to



> On Jan 29, 2015, at 1:30 PM, t.petch <> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Warren Kumari" <>
> To: "t.petch" <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 4:05 PM
>> On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 5:10 AM, t.petch <> wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Bradner, Scott" <>
>>> To: "Michael MacFaden" <>
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 1:53 AM
>>>> no exact number but zero is not enough
>>>> any intelligent input would be helpful
>>> Scott
>>> This is probably unintelligent, but that is how I am! It is/was on
> my
>>> list of things to progress but it comes below e.g.
>>> draft-ietf-opsawg-hmac-sha-2-usm-snmp
>>> which has had issues outstanding with it for nearly a year, during
> which
>>> the call for adoption took about four months.
>> Yup, the CfA for this took a really long time, because we had 2
>> competing drafts, and delayed while waiting to see if the authors
>> could merge them, which should take priority, etc. The WG -00 was
>> posted on December 12th, the authors asked for LC on Jan 15th, and we
>> said (on the 16th) that we'd like a bit more feedback and if we
>> didn't, would try force the issue by going to WGLC. Sine then we've
>> gotten review from one person - yourself.
>> I have on my calendar (which you cannot see :-)): "Start WGLC on
>> draft-ietf-opsawg-hmac-sha-2-usm-snmp-00 - Feb 2nd"
> Warren,
> but I have just raised several points, one of which needs AD input
> (IMHO), another of which needs WG Chair input, and to embark on a WG LC
> without clearing up these is, IMHO, likely to engender further confusion
> e.g. that points already raised will be re-raised and a new one from
> someone else will be lost in the noise.  So for me, an I-D addressing
> the points raised comes first, then WG LC and, of course, the Shepherd
> write-up can only come after that, in, say, two months time.
> That is my, hatless, thinking.
> Meanwhile, I see other WG using tools to keep track of outstanding
> issues etc and not progressing any faster - tools may help, they can
> also hinder.
> Incidentally, I also see some WG chairs much more willing to abandon
> I-Ds completely at the WG LC stage, when getting no support on the list
> (as opposed to interpreting silence as no objections so on to AD review
> and IETF LC).  I wonder if a few more such instances would galvanise
> action.
> Tom Petch
>>>  That is where the time
>>> goes, checking, waiting, prodding, wondering, meandering off into
>>> appsawg whose calls for adoption - despite adopting a leaky bucket
>>> approach to adoption - seem even more fraught etc.
>>> So I have commented on this I-D in the past - I tend to read every
> mib
>>> module - but will not be doing so just yet.  Perhaps when the
> shepherd
>>> write-up for
>>> draft-ietf-opsawg-hmac-sha-2-usm-snmp
>>> is complete,
>> Ok, but there will not *be* a shepherd writeup until the WGLC for
>> draft-ietf-opsawg-hmac-sha-2-usm-snmp is done, and there is consensus.
>> We've been having a really hard time getting people to review and
>> comment in OpsAWG, partly during discussions, but especially during LC
>> -  if folk have reviewed and provided feedback during the evolution of
>> the documents it is still helpful to comment (even just to say that
>> they still approve, and still think it is worth publishing) at LC.
>> Because of the nature of OpsAWG we often end up with  documents that
>> are only of interest to a small subset of participants and / or are
>> maintenance type documents, and so we often only have a small number
>> of people participating, but calling consensus on a tiny number of
>> reviews (and explaining this is writeups) is getting old...
>> W
>>> Tom Petch
>>>> Scott
>>>>> On Jan 28, 2015, at 7:03 PM, Michael MacFaden <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Exactly  how many folks need to speak up?
>>>>> We did have operator input on this work.
>>>>> We can ping them to to send email
>>>>> to the list...
>>>>> Mike
>>>>> On Jan 28, 2015, at 3:54 PM, Scott O. Bradner <>
> wrote:
>>>>>> which is too bad since I think the topic is a useful one
>>>>>> but, as chairs, we are supposed to do things based on WG
> consensus
>>>>>> and if no one speaks up we have no way to know if there is
>>> consensus
>>>>>> one way or another

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