Title: RE: RAC or Oracle Fail Safe

Of course you have to plan your servers' capacity accordingly, that in the event of node failure, the other node will not get too loaded. When one node crashes, the second one has to deal with queries and transactions of both servers and we must not forget, that also rollback of failed nodes uncommitted transactions has to be done!
Of course when you got more nodes, then the impact of one node failure would be smaller..

Here I would beg to differ. RAC is more safe. _Almost_ half of your online user (who are on surviving node) won’t even notice the node failure when one node in a RAC environment goes down. And those who were unlucky users (connected to failed node), can connect immediately to the surviving node, without any delay. Of course you need to configure these parameters manually. While in OFS environment your users have to wait till the time surviving node brings up the database and all related services (listener etc) completely.

The price you may for these features is more money and more complex database environment to manage.


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