
The third area I want to cover is software to remotely access to a computer at home. I have several different systems set up for remotely accessing computers at home. I use them for different functions depending on what I want to do.
Windows Remote Access - this is built into Windows XP and can be configured to allow authenticated users to login to computers remotely. You take over the computer just like you were setting in front of it. It uses encrypted passwords. There is a Remote access client you can use on Mac OS to access any windows computer you have.

VNC - this is free program that does the same thing as Remote Access, but it works with anything, Linux, Mac OS, or Windows. You take over the computer just like you were in front of it. If you go with VNC be sure you select a client and server that use encrypted communications like ssh. If you want to explore VNC go to http:// select MacOS or Windows and search for for VNC. Version tracker has lots of free, shareware and demos of commercial software.

Apple Remote Access - expensive program if you are not a system administrator like me, you will not want to buy it. It provides lots of utility to talk to and manage remote Mac OS computers. It works to manage VNC enabled computers. It used encrypted passwords and can be used to move files between computers.

CoRD - Open Source Port of rdesktop from Unix that allows Windows Remote Desktop access to the Mac OS computer. This is Beta software so it can have problems, but it allows you to another way to connect to a remote Mac from Windows.

These programs are great if you have multiple devices you want to montitor on your home network or you do not want to broadcast the information out on the internet. To use the software you will need to create a hole through any firewall/router you are running on your home network. If you are not running a firewall/router, you just have your computers hooked into a hub that goes to the internet. STOP and get a firewall/router. Having any computer directly connected to the internet using DSL or Cable Modem is leaving it open to attack from hackers, trojan programs, a firewall/router is an inexpensive way to greatly upgrade your security.

Tom Hillson

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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