At 23:21 08.01.00 , Karl Avedal wrote:


great to hear. feel much better now (with at least 2 important projects 
being deployed within the next 6 weeks). So we'll keep posting our bug 
reports and questions to the list until the bug tracking system is up and 
wait for the next version (any sneak preview on features?).

Even if I'm becoming a pain in the ass I would still like you to comment on 
one thing I have posted because it is so important to us and probably many 
other people: Are you going to keep your CMP mapping for java types that 
have a corresponding primitive type (e.g. java.lang.Integer) the way it is, 
i.e. to a BLOB type? That way you can never have a database NULL in an 
container-managed database column of type INTEGER, which is something that 
gets you in big trouble in many situations. Although someone else has 
posted it doesn't behave that way (which could indicate, that it is 
jdbc-driver dependent), I can only say that that is what happens 
(autodeployment tries to create a LONGVARBINARY column and mapping to 
INTEGER crashes during runtime with a database exception, something like 
'invalid type') using orion 0.8.3 with an Oracle 8.0.5 database, which 
should be a common combination. If you suspect ii is driver dependent and 
you don't have Oracle running´, please contact me if I can provide any more 
useful information. btw what setup (OS, databases) do you use for testing?

Thanks for your feedback and again, congratulations on a great product,



>You are right about us being more silent for some time than we want and need
>to be. I can assure you that this is temporary and (besides the recent
>holidays) is largely due to the fact of major development and bug fixing
>being done prior to the release of 1.0. Currently there is no date set for
>1.0 for a few reasons. There are still bugs that need to be fixed and we are
>still in discussions with Sun considering the licensing of the Java 2
>Enterprise Edition brand and compability test suite. The answer still has to
>be Real Soon Now (TM).
>To make it easier for you to track what bugs have been fixed and what is
>still there we have planned to put up a bug tracking system on the site and
>we hope this will be in place soon to make you get better feedback. We feel
>confident that serious EJB development works very well with Orion today but
>we agree that there are bugs that need to be fixed and we are working hard
>to do so. In the next version coming up soon you will also see some major
>changes and improvements that we feel will strengthen Orion alot.
>Until we get the bug tracking system going we will try hard to make sure
>that we are more visible on this list and comment on bug reports.
>Regarding source licensing, we currently have no such plans.
>Best regards,
>Karl Avedal

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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