----- Original Message -----
> Al:
>     YES.  I'm starting off with the hypothesis that all database tables
>     should map to EJBs, because that is what all the hype is about.
>     Now, for real world, does it work well?
Yes and no. There is a terribly large amount of overhead involved in EJB to begin with, then you start adding all the RMI calls over the network and that adds some load too. In general we try to model our EJB such that we minimize the Entity beans. Certainly they are handy, but let us take a classic example of a person bean. A person also has an address, now addresses dont change much so I really dont see a lot of sense in deploying an address bean that will sit for most of the time in the pool and not be instantiated. So I would just use a regular class (which may get a datasource from the JNDI services) and do this address class using regular JDBC. So yes entity beans work well, but we as a java community have "fooled" ourselves into thinking that if it is a table in a database it should be an entity bean.
>     Is you answer that one should make create an EJB that
>     is not CMP, but rather one supplies a hand crafter SQL
>     command somewhere in its member functions?
Yes, you can use bean managed persistence to handle this. In your case it should be rather simple since you seem to have a built in primary key (D) so it would work easy. There are some situations, especially when doing the kinds of things you are talking about where BMP is the only way to go. Because of complex joins or the need for a complex primary key. it does put more work on the bean developer but in some cases it may be the only way to go.

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