The lack of (3rd-party) documentation is largely related to two facts:
1) Orion is a young product (1.0 launched just a few months ago, vs 5 years
or more for Apache and IIS)
2) Apache is open source. A lot of people have to find another source of
income from their work on it, and writing a book about that work is then a
logical step.
Everyone is anxiously awaiting the Orion docs to get better, though (hint,

As to getting Orion to work with JSPs, that is very easy. Just copy
tools.jar from your JDK/lib to the main Orion directory and put your JSPs in
the directory where they would be if they were HTML. This is far easier than
configuring Apache (which requires a separate plugin, configuring both,

As to price, not counting Tomcat (which has poor performance and seems
somewhat buggy), most application servers are far more expensive to use, if
only because you need development licenses as well as deployment licenses
for every single server you install it on. With Orion, you need just to
license for the deployment machine(s), all the rest are free.
Until the docs are done, this mailing list is a good way to find answers,
not only from other users, but also from the occasional developer or CR
person popping in.

Jeroen T. Wenting

Murphy was wrong, things that can't go wrong will anyway

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charles Fausz
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 13:13
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Orion or Apache?
> I'm wondering if anyone has used Apache and why you're now using
> Orion.  I ask this because I'm having a tough time finding the
> information I need to get my JSP's working with Orion.  I
> downloaded Apache and so far, there sure is allot more
> documentation, not to mention it's free.
> I've not found any books or web sites on Orion other than
>  In comparison, I've found over 20 books on
> Apache and multiple web sites offering information.
> I don't want to start a flame war, I just want to find a better
> alternative to using Microsoft IIS & MTS.  If I run into a
> problem, I don't want to worry if I'll be able to find the
> answer.  Thank you.
> Phil

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