
Clustering was a breeze, but when I shut down one server, leaving the other
one up, why is it when the restart is done the newly restarted Orion doesn't
get replicated the sessions any longer? This seems to be a bug to me..when
the server starts up in cluster mode, doesn't it ping the other(s) somehow,
so that the other(s) would then replicate thier session info to the newly
started one? On the same page with this would be if I added more hardware
shouldn't when they come up..they get replicated out to?

My thought here is that if I have say 2 or 3 servers, I may like to update
one of them at a time. So I can bring one down, update it, bring it up, then
do the next one, etc. Ofcourse, I would rather deploy the .war file directly
if that is possible, but I am not sure how that affects existing sessions if
one or more objects in an existing session are part of the code that was


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