Check 'man nohup'. A line like 'nohup (cd <orion-dir>; java -jar orion.jar) 
&' in a file called /etc/rc.d/boot.local will do the trick, a bit quick and 
sirty though.

In the /etc/rc.d directory you'll find a lot of startup scripts to start an 
stop services. To integrate it even better in your system-administration 
you can copy one of those scripts and create one special for orion (i 
haven't created one yet). In that case you can setup your system for 
instance only to run orion when the system runs in network mode (e.g. init 
level 2 or 3 for SuSE).


On Friday, October 06, 2000 12:51 AM, Sean Han [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>  << File: ATT00001.txt; charset = big5 >> 

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