"J.T. Wenting" wrote:
> check and doublecheck (goes for *nix too). For example Oracle installs its
> own JVM without asking or telling you. If you choose custom setup you will
> see 1.1.7 in the list of installed items, but removing it from the install
> has no effect,it is still installed...
> This caught us by surprise once, installing Oracle left all our Java2 stuff
> inoperable :(
It's not just Oracle though. DB2 v7.1 comes with IBM JDK 1.1.8 (WIN NT)
and without JDK on Linux. On windooze it screws up your install, however
on Linux you need to manually install IBM JDK1.1.8 since it does not run
on SUN or Blackdown. All these near 100% java Databases are sortof cool,
but it would be nice if they could at least run on the before-last
stable Sun jdk (1.2.2 for example).


Sven E. van 't Veer                                          
Java Developer                                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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