
Is not netbeans now Forte (Sun bought netbeans and the old Forte development
environment and combined them in its Forte Community Edition, I think)?

If not send me the netbeans URL please.


On 16-Nov-00 Rob Lapensee wrote:
> John,
> I have successfully got netbeans to set a break point and stop a running ejb
> in progress under orion, and then go on to single step and show variable
> contents.
> It working by using something called JPDA (download from somewhere in
> You will need JPDA installed and netbeans will need to be started with
> access to the JPDA .dll's (or shared libraries if you are not on NT).
> Netbeans will also require access to the JPDA jar (or jars?).
>> Stuff Deleted <<

Date: 16-Nov-00
Time: 14:41:15

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