> Hi,
> Is there any way to influence orion's way of handling memory consumption? I 
> have a production installation that frequently crashes with 
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryErrors although I've set the jvm to -Xmx400m. 
> Resources never seem to be freed. This sounds similar to the problems 
> someone else reported a short while ago. I'm also doing massive batch 
> updates using CMP. It could be an explanation that entity beans are never 
> cleared from the cache. I'm reluctant to putting in code that looks up 
> internal orion objects to flush the cache. What I need is a config option 
> for that (cache parameters, can't be hard to implement).

I want to second this sentiment. If I have to add code just to get what
seems like a reasonable default, and certainly something that should be
in a config file, I get depressed. And batch updates are a very common


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