Yes you can do this, but if you want client authentication how do you configure
Orion to get Digital Certificates from Apache.

Serge Knystautas wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > Subject: Faster encryption
> >
> >
> > I noticed a TPS drop (transactions per second) of factor four when I
> > benchmarked my application using 128 bit SSL encryption (5 client threads)
> > compared to non-encrypted benchmarking. I know that the SSL layer is
> > pluggable in Orion, I use the standard one that comes with Orion 1.4.0.
> >
> > Is there a faster implementation of SSL for Java/Orion out there, maybe a
> > native code solution? Or is the standard encryption package already using
> > native code for the most critical sections? I guess not, as I
> > have used C++
> > packages for encryption previously and not noticed such CPU eating
> > behaviour.
> Another option is to put Apache in front of your Orion server and let it
> handle SSL.  Since mod_ssl is written in native code with performance in
> mind, it will generally be faster than a Java implementation.  I think the
> next best alternative is to start load balancing across multiple web
> servers.
> Serge Knystautas
> Loki Technologies

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