Hi Marcel,

The web application works using either the jndi name 
(java:comp/env/ejb/Customer) or the ejb-name (ejb/Customer).  
However, the "naming convention" doesn't seem to matter when I try to 
use a stand alone application.  The NamingException is thrown either 

Thanks for the help,

> How do you do your lookup? It didn't work for me in the web application
> unless I used the actual ejb-name (from ejb-jar.xml)in the lookup and not
> the jndi name. In the other posting you refer to, I see that James
> Birchfield used a jndi name like 'jdbc/OraclePooledDS'. My interpretation of
> orion's error message is that you don't have a valid jndi context as in
> comp:java/env... available. This sounds reasonable to me since you are
> plugging in the usermanager as part of the container instead of running it
> as an application within the container.
> Let me know what you think of this.
> Marcel Schutte

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