Thank you for your advise but I am afraid I do not have time. I have to 
deal with new things especially working with Orion, WebLogic, WebSphere 
(and each of them has many things different than the others) and also learn 
how to administer and program under Oracle (plus learn Java!) and finish 
everything by ... yesterday.

I just came up withy an idea that makes sense for my level of understanding 
and I didn't think it will offend someone. I thought it is a free 
discussion list that doesn't have restriction rules and anyone who needs 
help can ask for it.

Danut who was not born a guru

At 06:15 PM 2/6/2001 +0100, Robert Krueger wrote:
>At 10:29 06.02.2001 , you wrote:
>>Thanks for the help Tim.
>>I am not sure I like this solution. Why do I have to go and change this 
>>in the application-deployments folder? The same question applies to the 
>>table name for the CMP Beans. How do I choose a table name different than 
>>the default one without touvhign the application-deployments folder?
>>Wouldn't make more sense if I can change these things in the 
>>"ejb-jar.xml" that is part of the EJB package?
>please do some spec reading and find out about separation of 
>responsibilities and roles and the general ejb/j2ee deployment concept. 
>that will answer your questions. it doesn't make much sense to work with a 
>product like orion not having understood those fundamental concepts. this 
>not meant as a flame but advice (as many of orion oldtimers will confirm I 
>>At 08:55 PM 2/5/2001 -0500, Tim Endres wrote:
>>>Check the docs. There is a flag that you need to set to tell Orion
>>>that is does not have "exclusive" access to the database, and that
>>>it needs to recognize when a record is updated by a program other
>>>than Orion.
>>>I believe you need to look at the "exclusive-write-access" attribute
>>>of the <entity-deployment> element in orion-ejb-jar.xml.
>>> > Two more things.
>>> >
>>> > 1. On the server side I get the following
>>> >
>>> > CMPSelectTestEJB()
>>> > setEntityContext
>>> > ejbCreate( 10, Name 10, Address 10 )
>>> > Entity 10 passivated
>>> > java.lang.Throwable
>>> >          at com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBHome.ail(JAX)
>>> >          at com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.releaseContext(JAX)
>>> >          at
>>> > CMPSelectTestHome_EntityHomeWrapper19.create(CMPSelectTestHome_Entity
>>> >
>>> >          at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
>>> >          at
>>> >          at
>>> > ejbPassivate( 10, Name 10, Address 10 )
>>> >
>>> > There is no record with ID = 10, name = "Name 10" and address = 
>>> "Address 10".
>>> >
>>> > 2. The exactly same code for EJB, client and the same database work 
>>> fine on
>>> > WebLogic.
>>> >
>>> > I am using Orion 1.4.5.
>>> >
>>> > Danut
>>> >
>>> > ====================
>>> > I am having a problem.
>>> > I am creating some records using some BMP and CMP EJBs. While Orion is
>>> > still running I am deleting the records using a simple JDBC client.
>>> >
>>> > When I try to ccreate the same records again I get an exception that says
>>> > javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException: Entity already exists
>>> >          at
>>> >          at com.evermind.server.rmi.a1.invoke(JAX)
>>> >          at com.evermind.server.rmi.a2.invoke(JAX)
>>> >          at __Proxy1.create(Unknown Source)
>>> >          at SelectTestClient.CreateRecords(
>>> >          at SelectTestClient.TestOrion(
>>> >          at SelectTestClient.main(
>>> >
>>> > How can I make Orion aware that the database has changed?
>>> >
>>> > Thank you,
>>> > Danut
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> >
>>Do You Yahoo!?
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>(-) Robert Krüger
>(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
>(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
>(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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